Class 4 Wings Activity Solutions 11-22 | Wings class 4

 Class 4 Wings Activity Solutions 11-22 

Class IV Wings Activity Solutions is here. You can see the solution activity 11-22 of the previous lesson.

                                  Class 4 Wings Activity Solutions 

 Wings Activity 11

**Match column A with column B:-

1. Fishes a.hide inside their shells
2. Prawns a freshwater fish
3. Turtles c.have pincers to pinch
4. Frog d.has no backbone
5. Crabs e.lives in saline water
6. Rohu f.swim in water with the help of fins
7. Bhetki g.have webbed feet

Answer:-  (1==>f, ) ,(2==>c), (3==> a), (4==>g),(5==>d),(6==>b) , (7==>e).

 Wings Activity-12

**Tick (✓) which are friendly to environment and cross (×) which are harmful to it:-

1. To plant a tree
2. To throw garbage in the river ×
3. To dump chemicals in seas ×
4. To take care of a garden
5. To the useless car in the street
6. To make drinking water sources clean
7. To decrease the use of air-condition machines

  Wings Activity -13

**Circle the name words:-

 a) see, draw, mango, shout.

b) sing, listen, call, potato.

c) remember tiger, play, hear.

d ) hot, cold, Kolkata, small

e ) Raju, he, she, they.

Wings Activity - 14 

**Write 'c' for countable nouns and 'un' for uncountable nouns:-

1. Sugar --- un

2.  Apples --- c

3. Coins --- c

4. Water --- un

5. Butter --- un

6. Goat --- c

7. Road --- c

8. Huts --- c 

 Wings Activity -15

** Underline the naming words in the following sentences:-

1. We read the book patabahar.

2. The name of my pet cat is Kutus.

3. We went to Mumbai last week.

4. Sealdah is a railway station.

Wings activity -16

**Circle the describing words:-

1. The tall man rides on a bus.

2. She drew a beautiful picture.

3. That is an old tree.

4. There was a small hut in the village.

5. I took a wooden boat to cross the river.

 Wings activity -17 

** Fill in the blanks by choosing to appreciate describing words from the help box:-

1. That is a ripe banana.

2. Green mango is sour.

3. The old man walks with a stick.

4. I have a beautiful dress.

5. That is a sharp nail. 

Wings Activity -18 

** Write the plural forms of the following words:-

Singular Plural
book books
tree trees
toy toys
way ways
girl girls


 Wings Activity -19

** Fill in the blanks by choosing to appreciate words from the brackets:-

1. I see ( see/sees ) a tram on the street.

2. He thinks ( think/ thinks) I am clever.

3 . They read ( read/reads) the book several times 
4. We go ( go/ goes) to school every day.

5. My brother comes ( come/ comes) home from the market.

6. The cow moos ( moo/ moos ) to tell that she is hungry.

7. Butterflies fly ( fly/ flys) over the flowers.

8. Mosquito sucks ( suck/sucks) our blood.

9. Men cause (cause/causes) pollution of water resources. 

10. She says ( say/ says ) good morning. 

  Wings Activity -20

** Add '-d'/ '-ed' at the end of the words:-

words d/ed adding words
kill killed
play plays
pick picked
die died
solve solved
decide decided
talk talked
start started
help helped
rule ruled
believe believed
divide divided

 Wings Activity -21

**Complete the following table:-

Now Then
go went
give gave
take took
eat ate
shake shook
understand understood
see saw
fall fell
lose lost
feel felt

 Wings Activity -22

** Fill in the blanks by choosing to appreciate doing words from the brackets:-

Today I go ( go/went) to school with my father. Yesterday I took (take/took) my mother with me. Last afternoon I came (come/came) late from school. Today I have (have/had) milk and bread. Yesterday we left ( leave/ left) home early.

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