Class 4 | Wings Activity Solutions 6-10 | Part 1| Revision lesson

 Wings Activity Solutions of Class IV

 Wings are part of class III and IV English Subjects. Wings are the helping book of English. 
In this post, I posted the activity solution from Wings. Hope it will be helpful.


**Match the birds with their food habits.

A B Answer
1. Duck 1. insects and mice 1-8
2. Parrot 2. Garbages 2-3
3. Owl 3. Fruits, grains, and Grasshopper 3-9
4. Eagle 4. Fish 4-6
5. Bulbul 5. dead animals 5-1
6. Crane 6. Snakes 6-4
7. Crow 7. berries 7-2
8. Vulture 8. snails, aquatic 8-5
9. Mynah 9. prey on small animals like rats, chicks, snakes, fish, and squirrel 9-10
10. Peacock 10. weeds, vegetables, grains, worms 10-7


 Activity -7

**Complete the following sentences by choosing the appropriate set of words given in the word Basket.

  1. A peacock can dance in the rain.
  2. A parrot can talk like us.
  3. A duck can swim in a pond.
  4. An eagle can fly high in the sky.
  5. A crow can eat from garbage.
  6. A kingfisher can catch fish.
  7. A cuckoo can sing beautiful notes.
  8. A weaver bird can weave a nest.
  9. An owl can see at night.
  10. A vulture can catch prey.
  11. A hen can lay eggs.
  12. A tailor bird can drink nectar from flowers.
  13. A crane can stand long beside the lake to catch fish 
  14. A pigeon can carry messages far away.



**Use 'has/have' and 'can' to write a few sentences about birds.

Has/Have Box Can Box
feathers, tail, two legs, claws, beak, two eyes, two wings fly, sing, catch prey, nest, eggs


   For Example:-

A bird has two wings.

A bird can fly in the sky.

A bird has two legs. A bird has two wings and two eyes. It can sing song. It can build a nest. It flies in the sky. Some birds can talk like us. It can catch prey. It lays eggs. It has beaks and claws.

 Activity -9

Arrange the letters to form meaningful words.

1.crokacohc -- Cockroach

2. tbutryfel   --- Butterfly 

3. rhogrppsase --- Grasshopper

4. omsqutoi --- Mosquito 


Activity -10 

Fill in the blanks by choosing to appreciate words from the help box:-

1. An insect has two pairs of jointed legs.

2. Some insects have long thin compound tentacles.

3. A bee has a sting to bite.

4. Butterfly sucks honey from a flower.

5. A glow worm glows to emit light.

6. A cockroach spoils food.

7. A mosquito sucks our blood and spreads malaria.

8. Houseflies spreads diseases like Cholera.

9. Insects have an antenna to feel or sense.

10. Insects have three eyes.

11. A prawn is not a fish but an insect.

12. The body of an insect is divided into three parts, head, thorax, and jointed legs.

13. A bee builds a beehive and stores honey 

14. An ant moves in a row.

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